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Celi Sülüs Table Nothing 2

Celi Sülüs Table Nothing 2
Celi Sülüs Table Nothing 2
Celi Sülüs Table Nothing 2
Celi Sülüs Table Nothing 2

Work Information

Caligrapher: Calligrapher Ömer ÖZGÜL
Illumination: Müzehhibe Handan AYDEŞKİN
Type: Celi Thuluth
Measurement: 70x86 Cm

Centuries old handmade papers were used. These papers were
rested through a process called 'Ahar' to make it suitable for writing.
This artwork is written in soot ink . 22 carat gold and various paints are used in the decoration.
This artwork was created with the experience
and long-lasting efforts of two artists.

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